attachments = array(); $this->pri = $this->PRI_NORMAL; $this->html_email = false; $this->use_intmail = false; $this->mail_cmd = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -f'; } /** ** Sets the string used as subject of the mail as displayed in the email client's subject field. ** @returns void ** @param $subj a string that will be used for the email's subject **/ function set_subject($subj) { $this->subj = $subj; } /** ** If the class-internal mailer is used, this command is used to set the command to be used for sending the mail. Default is "/usr/sbin/sendmail -fi". ** @returns void ** @param $mail_cmd the command that will be used to send the email. You must specify the full path and arguments for the executable to use in sending the email. The default is "/usr/sbin/sendmail -f". **/ function set_mail_cmd($mail_cmd) { $this->mail_cmd = $mail_cmd; } /** ** Sets the callback function. If this is set, then the callback function specified will be used to send the mail no matter if set_mail_command() is enabled. The callback function must accept 5 parameters. These are, in order of expectancy: $from, $to, $subject, $body, $headers ** @returns void ** @param $callback_function the (string) name of the function to be used as the sender function. The function must exist in global namespace. **/ function set_mail_callback($callback_function) { $this->mail_callback = $callback_function; } /** ** Sets the string used as email sender. ** @returns void ** @param $from a string representing the user or email address from which the mail will appear to be sent. **/ function set_from($from) { $this->from = $from; } /** ** Sets the intended recipient email address. ** @returns void ** @param $to the email address of the intended recipient. **/ function set_to($to) { $this->to = $to; } /** ** clears or resets the "to" field. use set_to() to set ** @returns void **/ function reset_to() { unset ($this->to); } /** ** Sets the string used as the e-mail Reply-To field. ** @returns void ** @param $reply_to the email address of the user who should receive replies to the email. **/ function set_reply_to($reply_to) { $this->reply_to = $reply_to; } /** ** Sets additional email (RFC-822) headers to be passed to the mailer. ** @returns void ** @param $headers a string containing any additional mail headers to be added to the message. Headers must follow RFC-822 format and each one separated by a newline (\n). **/ function set_headers($headers) { $this->headers = $headers; } /** ** Sets the body of the email. May include HTML if email is to be sent as "MIME E-mail". ** @returns void ** @param $body The string to be used as the body of the email to be sent. **/ function set_body($body) { $this->body = $body; } /** ** Flags the mail to be sent as HTML mail. Links in the body of the mail will appear as links in the recipient's browser. ** @returns void **/ function set_html() { $this->html_email = true; } /** ** e-mail is flagged as an urgent message. ** @returns void **/ function set_urgent() { $this->pri = $this->PRI_URGENT; } /** ** Sets the email to be a normal message -- this is the antedote to set_urgent. ** @returns void **/ function set_normal() { $this->pri = $this->PRI_NORMAL; } /** ** Use the internal email command, which uses a server-side mail client, command or MTA to send the mail. Use the set_mail_cmd to configure the mail command. ** @returns void **/ function set_internal_mail() { $this->use_intmail = true; } /** ** clears or resets the "attachments" field. use attach() to add an attachment ** @returns void **/ function attach_reset() { unset ($this->attachments); $this->attachments = array(); } /** ** Adds a file to be attached to the email. argument must be the full path and filename of the file to attach. May be called repeatedly to add multiple files. Files are verified as existant before attaching. ** @returns void ** @param $filepath the full local machine path of the file to be attached to the email. This function may be called more than once to attach multiple files. **/ function attach($filepath) { if(file_exists($filepath)) { $this->attachments[] = $filepath; return true; } return false; } /** ** Prepares the email headers for the final email. Handles HTML mail and attachments preparation. ** @returns void **/ function prep_headers() { $attach_files = count($this->attachments); $this->headers_out = "From: ".$this->from."\n"; //$this->headers_out .= "To: ".$this->to."\n"; if($this->reply_to) $this->headers_out .= "Reply-To: ".$this->reply_to."\n"; $this->headers_out .= "Subject: ".$this->subj."\n"; if($attach_files) { $this->headers_out .= $this->MIME_HDR; $this->headers_out .= $this->MIME_CT_ATTACH.'"'.$this->boundary."\"\n"; } else if($this->html_email) { $this->headers_out .= $this->MIME_HDR; $this->headers_out .= $this->MIME_CT_HTML; } $this->headers_out .= "X-Priority: ".$this->pri."\n"; $this->headers_out .= $this->headers."\n"; if($attach_files) { $this->headers_out .= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format\n\n"; $this->headers_out .= "--".$this->boundary."\n"; if($this->html_email) { $this->headers_out .= $this->MIME_HDR; $this->headers_out .= $this->MIME_CT_HTML; } else { $this->headers_out .= $this->MIME_CT_TEXT_PLAIN; $this->headers_out .= $this->MIME_ENCODING_PRINTABLE."\n"; } } $this->headers_out .= "\n"; } /** ** Prepares and formats the body for the final email. Handles HTML mail and attachments preparation. ** @returns void **/ function prep_body() { $attach_files = count($this->attachments); $this->body_out = $this->body; $this->body_out .= "\n\n"; if($attach_files) { while(list($k,$file) = each($this->attachments)) { // read and base64 encode the attachment $size = filesize($file); if($fap = fopen($file,"r")) { $content = fread($fap, $size); $content = chunk_split(base64_encode($content)); fclose($fap); // we should set a proper Content-Type by examining either the extension (minimum) // or by examining the file contents (lengthy operation). // for brevity, we'll just set the type as application/octet-stream and // leave the MIME type setting as an exercise for the user. $this->body_out .= "--".$this->boundary."\n"; $this->body_out .= "Content-Type: application/pdf \n"; // $this->body_out .= "name: \"teste.pdf\" \n"; $this->body_out .= $this->MIME_DISPOSITION_ATTACH; $this->body_out .= $this->MIME_ENCODING_B64."\n"; // insert the encoded contents here // $this->body_out .= "name: \"aa.pdf\" \n"; $this->body_out .= $content; } } // write final boundary $this->body_out .= "\n\n--".$this->boundary."--\n"; } } /** ** Returns the body for the final email. Handles HTML mail and attachments preparation. ** @returns void ** @param $prep if true, forces a call to prep_body before returning. **/ function get_body_out($prep = false) { if(prep) $this->prep_body(); return $this->body_out; } /** ** Prepares and formats the body for the final email. Handles HTML mail and attachments preparation. ** @returns void ** @param $prep if true, forces a call to prep_headers before returning. **/ function get_headers_out($prep = false) { if(prep) $this->prep_headers(); return $this->headers_out; } /** ** Sends mail using the familiar PHP mail() command syntax. ** @returns void ** @param $to the email address of the intended recipient. ** @param $subj a string that will be used for the email's subject. ** @param $body The string to be used as the body of the email to be sent. ** @param $headers a string containing any additional mail headers to be added to the message. Headers must follow RFC-822 format and each one separated by a newline (\n). **/ function mail($to, $subj, $body, $headers = '') { $this->set_to($to); $this->set_subject($subj); $this->set_body($body); if(!strstr($headers, "\r\n") && !strstr($headers, "\n") ) $headers .= "\n"; $this->set_headers($headers); $this->send(); } /** ** Sends an email using the previously set properties. ** @returns int ** @type bool */ function send() { $this->boundary = '--=NEXT_PART_'.md5(microtime().'CODEMAIL_CLASS'); /** ** FIRST PREP HEADERS **/ $this->prep_headers(); /** ** THEN PREP BODY **/ $this->prep_body(); if($this->mail_callback) { /** ** Send mail using the specified callback function **/ $func = $this->mail_callback; return $func($this->from, $this->to, $this->subj, $this->body_out, $this->headers_out); } else { if($this->use_intmail) { /** ** Send mail using piped data to a user-specified command **/ if($fp = popen($this->mail_cmd.' '.$this->from.' '.$this->to,"w")) { /** ** WRITE IT ALL TO THE OUTPUT STREAM (pipe) **/ fputs($fp, $this->headers_out); fputs($fp, $this->body_out); pclose($fp); $retval = true; } else $retval = false; } else { /** ** Send mail using PHP's mail command **/ return mail($this->to, $this->subj, $this->body_out, $this->headers_out, ""); } } return $retval; } } /** ** A simple extension of the CodeMail class that sends email only with HTML format enabled. ** @author Ray A. Akey (AKA HMetal) **/ class HTMLMail extends CodeMail { /** ** The constructor simply switches the class into HTML mail mode. ** @returns void **/ function HTMLMail() { parent::set_html(); } } ?> CEU

A caridade sublime, ensinada por Jesus, consiste também na benevolência constante, e em todas as coisas, para com o próximo.

Evangelho Segundo o Espiritismo

Fale conosco

Rua Comendador Alfaia Rodrigues, 67 - Embaré - Santos - SP - CEP: 11025-151
Telefone: (13) 3326-0746

getForm('ok') != 1 ){?>

"; }?>

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Nossas reuniões


15h - Costura das Senhorinhas

15h - Vibração

20h - Harmonização Espiritual (Reunião Privativa)


15h30min - Palestra, Passe e Diálogo Fraterno

20h - ESDE - Estudo Sistematizado da Doutrina Espirita (Apenas alunos inscritos)


15h30min - Palestra, Passe e Diálogo Fraterno

20hrs - Educação Mediúnica (Reunião Privativa)


20h - Estudo de Reforma Íntima (Reunião Privativa)

20h - Estudo de "O Livro dos Espíritos" e de "O Evangelho Segundo o Espiritismo" (Aberto ao público)


15h - Estudo de "O Livro dos Espíritos" e de "O Evangelho Segundo o Espiritismo" (Aberto ao público)

20h30 - Palestra, Passe e Diálogo Fraterno


10h - Recreluz: Evangelização para Infância e Juventude

15h30min - Harmonização da Saúde (Reunião Privativa)

18h - Palestra, Passe e Diálogo Fraterno